Our signature celebration event, Bountiful Bowls Growing Community Together, will be held on June 10, 2025, 5:30pm at the Marriott Downtown Springfield. Together with his Honor Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno, Honorary Chair, and M.C. Barry Kriger we will honor some of the people and communities that helped us step up and make a difference.
Cocktail Hour (Cash Bar), Dinner will be served followed by a program.

In 2024, Rachel’s Table of Western Massachusetts:
· Delivered 925,000 pounds of healthy food locally
· Sponsored 57 gleans to harvest 50,581 pounds of produce from local farms
· Supported 10 gardens youth and seniors planted and harvested
Change Agent Award: Ellen Gold, immediate past President
Ellen was a driving force in our journey to become established as our own nonprofit entity
Community Connector Award: Jill and Jim Stewart
Jill and Jim not only helped create our community glean program, but they drive, dispatch and advise RTWM
Newcomer Award: Westfield Bank
Westfield Bank provided financial support and also met us in the fields. They are a great example of an organization that leads with community.
RTWM would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our Founding Corporate Sponsors, Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts and PeoplesBank, and Founding Corporate Partner WWLP.