Thank you to the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, the founding sponsor of the Rachel’s Table Teen Board

May 19th, 2024 at 9:00am in Forest Park

Thank You for Joining Us to Outrun Hunger!
We are thrilled to announce that this year’s 5K race and 1-mile fun walk was a resounding success! Thanks to the amazing runners and walkers of ALL AGES who participated, we took significant strides toward our goal to fill the bowls of those in need across Hampden, Hampshire, and Franklin Counties.
A heartfelt thank you to our incredible sponsors – we couldn’t have done it without you. Please check them out here.
We also extend our deepest gratitude to the teens and volunteers whose hard work and dedication made this event possible.
Together, we are making a difference!
With gratitude,
Rachel’s Table of Western Massachusetts
See below for more details about our 2024 Event

In Person Race in Forest Park on May 19th 2024
Award Ceremony to follow for Race, Walk is not timed
Race or walk as an individual or a team!
Participants are invited to bring non-perishable food items to be donated to one of RTWM’s partner agencies
Fundraise for your own race and get $25 off of the registration fee
Racers get discounted Zoo at Forest Park admission on the day of the race
You Make a Difference
What will your $$ go to? Just $20 can allow us to:
Purchase and pack 8 weekend backpacks with nutritious food for 7 meals for children
Purchase and send 10 pounds of fresh produce to our 65+ pantries
Purchase and deliver 30 pounds of shelf-stable milk to our agencies feeding children
Deliver 6 pounds of fresh meat and chicken to our soup kitchens

PJ Library Story Walk at Outrun Hunger
Rachel’s Table is proud partner with PJ Library to create a story walk for children 0-8 and their families. Walk through the story “Mitzvah Pizza” to learn about food insecurity and mitzvahs. This is a separate event from the Outrun Hunger 5K run/walk and a special opportunity for families with young children to engage with Rachel’s Table Western Massachusetts. Just $20 allows you access to the story walk and ONE discounted ticked at the Forest Park Zoo on 5/19/24.
When registering, sign up all participants attending, adults and children, and make sure “PJ Library Story Walk” is selected under the header “Multi-person Pricing”.
The fun run and story walk is sponsored by :
The Rachel’s Table Teen Board is partially funded by:

Prizes for Runners, Swag for walkers!
Walkers and Runners get:
Race T-shirt,
Water Bottles,
Discounted Zoo tickets,
Discount to superkicks,
Pre workout, protein powder, and more!
Gym Memberships
Gift cards to Herrell’s,
Bueno Y Sano,
Red Sox Tickets,
Car Wash Discounts and More!!!