Teen Board Moves Milk

On June 14, the Rachel’s Table Teen Board delivered hundreds of cases of shelf-stable milk to several agencies in the Pioneer Valley that support young children. The milk donation was made possible with funds from the Bernice and Joseph Kalicka Milk project, and support from Harry Grodsky and co., Inc., who stored the milk at no cost until our Teen Board was able to pick it up and deliver it.
The Bernice and Joseph Kalicka Milk Project, which was started by Bernice Kalicka to ensure children in our community have enough milk in their diet for healthy development, is one of the many projects of the Teen Board. Besides delivering milk and other food products to local organizations, the Teen Board participates in other Rachel’s Table service projects including gleaning, making food for local agencies, serving in soup kitchens, donating starter plants to agencies participating in our Growing Gardens initiative, and more.
In addition to their hands-on support, the Teen Board educates themselves and others about food insecurity and childhood hunger in our region. They learn together through speakers and films, and advocate for change. This year, the Teen Board learned about how the legislation process works and some upcoming laws for which they advocate. If you know a teenager interested in learning more about or joining the Teen Board, you can email Rebecca Mitrani Marmor at rebeccam@jewishwesternmass.org.